Friday, May 1, 2009

Fidel Castro

"Look, it's ME on the front page again. In your face, Obama!" - Fidel Castro, sick of Obamamania

Oh my friends!

Take a look at the old man on the couch with the funny track suit. Americans fear him. I have read the history of his country. I have read of his accomplishments (which may also be called misdeeds) and his claim to infamy in the hearts and minds of the American people. He is really not scary. Perhaps if he had unsupervised access to my TV remote control, I might expect to find him unwittingly purchasing some pay-per-view service or something... but I can think of no reason to fear him beyond that.

Western nations (including Canada) freely trade with Cuba, having forgiven the communist leader of many of his former trespasses. Young Americans scarcely know who Castro is. Interestingly, rather than fear, they almost worship the image of his homicidal friend, Che Guevara (pictured left... intentionally), on posters and t-shirts.

A far more frightening character than Castro (in my humble estimation) Che toured many nations to incite violence in the name of communist idealism and revolution. He was eventually captured in Bolivia in 1967, while engaged in guerrilla warfare and executed.

To those who wear his image on a t-shirt, I say "Ooooh, Planet of the Apes, I love that fuckin' movie."

To the Americans who fear Castro. Haha... it sucks to be you. He'll be dead soon. Let it go.

Your friend and humble narrator,
Sir Robyn

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